Preparing meals may not be something that you really enjoy doing but taking the time to meal plan and even batch cook can mean you get in to better eating habits. Often one of the reasons that we end up eating junk food is lack of preparation, We may not have something in to eat of haven’t allowed enough time to cook it and therefore order something in as it is less hassle. This is ok occasionally but it shouldn’t be something that you do on a regular basis as it probably is not the healthiest choice.
Before you do your food shop, make a note of 6-7 meals that you want to eat that week. This will then allow you to check what ingredients you already have and what you need to buy, meaning you don’t double up or forget something. Doing this can also save you a huge amount of money on your shopping bills.
Try and cook meals from scratch as much as possible as this way you know exactly what is going in to them. Prepared meals may look healthy but can be loaded with salt or sugar. IF you struggle for ideas, then why not treat yourself to a good recipe book this year. The Hairy Bikers range is brilliant for those that want good home cooked meals without masses of fuss.