New year often is the perfect time to set new goals and habits that you want to try and stick to throughout the next 12 months or longer. Diets and eating habits is often one of the things many people set resolutions on but how easy is it to clean up your eating habits and switch to a healthier diet?
It can take a bit of time for your body to adjust when changing your diet. If for example you are cutting out a lot of sugar then you may find for the first week or so, you have a lot of headaches and crave sugar. This is because sugar can be an addition and so you are essentially having withdrawal symptoms from it. This should pass relatively quickly but it is important not to cave during this time as you will then have to start all over again.
Sometimes rather than changing everything at once, it is better to try and make small changes every week. This often means that your changes are more sustainable and more likely to work in the long term. You may wish to star by cutting out your afternoon chocolate bar or cake first before you cut out sugar from your hot drinks for example.